Nino Kostava

Committee Co-Chairperson

Lawyer by profession holding Diploma of International Law issued by Faculty of Law, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University.

Advocate by profession, the status of Lawyer,  member of Georgian Bar Association in Civil Law.

Conductor by profession holding Diploma of Academic Choir Conductor issued by Batumi Zakaria Paliashvili State College

An accountant by profession holding a valid Certificate of international standards of accounting issued by the Georgian Economists’ Association.

As for the working experience, from 2022-to 2004, Nino Kostava worked as a lawyer for the Ministry of Economy of the Autonomous Republic of Achara, Batumi.

In 2004-2005 -  Member Lawyer for International Organization of the Social Security and Protection of the Rights of the Homeless and Prisoners in Georgia.

In 2005-2006 – the winner of the contest for the position of the Legal Service Specialist for Batumi Local Self-Government  Office with further promotion to Leading Lawyer of the same Service.

From 2005-2019 – Lawyer and Accountant for Queensway Services  Ltd. (crewing company), currently – Procurator.

In 2006  - Lawyer, “Newspaper Achara and Adjaria” Ltd (founded with  100% participation of the Ministry of Finance and Economy of the Adjarian Autonomous Republic).

In 2006-2007 – Lawyer for “Batpharma” Ltd. (pharmaceutical factory)

In 2007-2008  - Head of Legal Administration of Regional Customs “West” under Revenue Service of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia.

In 2008-2009 - Deputy Head of the Legal Department, Batumi Regional Center (Tax Administration) under Revenue Service of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia.

From 2009-2010  -  Lawyer for the legal advice agency “K.S. Noida and Partners”

In 2010-2011 -   Lawyer, GIMG Ltd, Batumi

In 2011-2012 – Lawyer for “Barambo Achara” Ltd.

In 2016-2018     Lawyer, TV ERA Ltd.

Since 2011 Nino Kostava has been holding the position of the Lawyer for “MRG Limited” (Distribution of Natakhtari products in the Adjarian region).

Working languages: Georgian, Russian, English

Executive Board

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Ethics Commission


Audit Commission

Special Fund

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